Welcome to SMI English Medium School
SMI English Medium School, one of the pioneer educational institutions in Malabar region located at Kunhipally, Chomabala, Calicut in a pleasant ambience at the visibility of SMI English Medium School. The school was established by the Management Committee of the renowned CHOMBAL KUNHIPALLY PARIPALANA COMM, with a vision to proffer quality education. SMI English Medium School is affiliated to CBSE, our aim is to develop knowledge, understanding skills and attitudes to empower children to become lifelong learners and productive citizens from all communities within the region and across our diverse and global society. SMI English Medium School students are prepared to be the leaders in a technologically savvy and globally competitive world. SMI English Medium School is proud of its diverse mix of students who represent from different parts of the state with various cultures and ethnic background. The school also provides opportunities for the development of technical skills right from the primary class and also gives stress to physical education to build a sound body with a sound mind .The teachers of SMI English Medium School in their constant endeavor to improve the quality of the school education continuously strive to reach out all students with proper guidance to make them promising citizens for a better tomorrow...
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What We Are!
Enrich Our Knowledge
We aim at making a new generation,Training our students to strive for the personal excellence in order to take leadership is assisting their fellow citizens in creating a just society where the underprivileged and exploited are given freedom thus bringing about social transformations.
We aim at making a new generation,Training our students to strive for the personal excellence in order to take leadership is assisting their fellow citizens in creating a just society where the underprivileged and exploited are given freedom thus bringing about social transformations.

Zainu-ud-dhin Makhdoom Islamic English Medium School , Kunhippally (SMI) Chombala is an English Medium School situated in NH 17 between Badagar anad Telicherry with distance of about 11 kms from each town.
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Donec sollicitudin lacus in felis luctus blandit. Ut hendrerit mattis justo at suscipit. Vivamus orci urna, ornare vitae tellus in, condimentum imperdiet eros. Maecenas accumsan, massa nec vulputate congue.
Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoree..
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Donec sollicitudin lacus in felis luctus blandit. Ut hendrerit mattis justo at susp. Vivamus orci urna, ornare vitae tellus in, condimentum imperdiet eros. Maecea accumsan, massa nec vulputate congue.
Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum.
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